Israel war: German tattoo artist Shani Louck killed by terrorists who filmed himself spitting on her

Israel war: German tattoo artist Shani Louck killed by terrorists who filmed himself spitting on her

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A woman whose lifeless and semi-nude body was rolled into the back of a Hamas pick-up truck as militants sat on top of her and jeered after their violent intrusion has been identified as a German tattoo artist. Has been.

Shani Louk, 30, was at a concert for peace when she was captured by terrorists as they attacked Israel in a surprise attack that killed at least 480 people and injured 3200.

His body was filmed stretched out at an unnatural angle in the back of a truck, with terrorists sitting around him and supporters of the group cheering, running alongside and spitting on him.

The 30-year-old German tattoo artist named Shani Louck was in Israel to attend a peace ceremony.
The 30-year-old German tattoo artist named Shani Louck was in Israel to attend a peace ceremony. Credit: unknown,supply

This comes after Shani’s mother Ricarda released a heartbreaking video pleading for help to find out what happened to her daughter.

Holding a photo of Shani on her mobile phone, she said: “This morning my daughter, Shani Nicole Lauk, a German citizen, was abducted by Palestinian Hamas along with a group of tourists in southern Israel.

“We were sent a video in which I could clearly see my daughter unconscious in the car driving around Palestinians and the Gaza Strip.

“I ask you to send us any help or any news. thank you so much.”

Hamas had claimed the body was that of a female Israeli soldier – but last night it was confirmed to be Shani’s by her cousin Tomasina Weintraub-Lauck, who told MailOnline the family recognized her distinctive leg tattoos and hideous hair.

She said: “We haven’t heard anything. We are hoping for positive news. This is definitely Saturn. She was at a concert for peace. This is a nightmare for our family.”

The tragedy comes as Palestinian militants launched their worst attack in 50 years on Saturday by unprecedented land, sea and air attacks – even using hang gliders to avoid detection.

In a coordinated, multi-pronged attack, Palestinian militants crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip, taking over settlements and capturing and killing civilians celebrating the Jewish holiday.


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