Reddit is starting to test its own add-ons for the platform


Reddit is starting to test its own add-ons for the platform -Gudstory

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Reddit is starting to test its first add-ons built through its developer platform. The company’s first add-on, available to a small number of subreddits and only to mods, will include tools for mods to more easily monitor and delete comment threads; Ban spammers and remove their content; And for sports-focused subreddits, create posts that are live scoreboards, explains spokesperson Courtney Geesi-Dorr. the verge,

Reddit announced the Developer Platform in August 2022 as a way for developers to more easily host and develop things like apps, bots, and mod tools for Reddit. At the time, Reddit opened a waiting list for interested developers, and although the platform is still in closed beta, Geesi-Dor says that “a handful” of moderators and bot developers have already created moderation tools that can be selectively used. Testing is being done in communities.

Geesi-Dor declined to share a date when the developer platform will be generally available, but he says this beta test of its tool will be “to gather learning, post-additions of how the add-on will be used.” “Will serve as a way to test functionalities.” , and stress test the stability of the platform before opening it up to more communities and moderators. The company’s vision is that add-ons will eventually be available to all Reddit users.

Geesi-Dor says Reddit’s scoreboard add-on will be available first with “soccer league communities” and that Reddit is in talks with “an additional handful” of other subreddits. According to Geesi-Dor, the company is also prototyping other add-ons, such as changes to poll and countdown timer posts, which are expected to begin testing in the “next few months.”

Reddit’s first developer platform add-on arrives at the end of a tumultuous year for the company. Earlier this year, after it became clear that the company’s usage-based API pricing would be too expensive for developers of some third-party apps, many users protested and some subreddits went dark. The backlash has largely died down and many third-party apps are now gone, but some apps survive by offering subscriptions.


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