Premier League ‘considering paying police £10million’ to get its way on TV slots

 – Gudstory

Premier League ‘considering paying police £10million’ to get its way on TV slots – Gudstory

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The Premier League is reportedly considering giving the police a £10million ‘sweetener’ to ensure ‘risky’ matches can be played in late television slots.

Some matches have been moved over the years so that officials can adequately monitor them.

However, according to the Daily Mail, all this may be about to change.

It has been claimed that top-flight chiefs have been prompted to take action ‘amid the growing reluctance of armies to cover games between rivals’.

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This is because the police fear trouble from supporters, as games later in the day tend to cause trouble due to fans drinking throughout the day.

Sources say no form of payment can guarantee kick-off times, while a number of options are also being considered ‘to support police in keeping match-goers and communities safe’.

However, another insider described the £10m sum as ‘nothing but a sweetener’.

They also claim it is ‘yet another example of the Premier League and its clubs trying to talk their way out of trouble.’

The publication says it is currently unclear how the money will be distributed.

It is also unknown whether the proposed payment will be regular or just a lump sum.

He says one possible option would be to make a central payment, after which that money would be distributed to the police forces affected by the respective matches.

Deals with broadcasters in the UK and US are ‘at the center of competitors’ thinking’, say people with knowledge of the situation.

Sky Sports originally wanted to show Manchester City’s clash with Liverpool on Saturday, November 35 at 5.30pm.

But it was brought forward after police raised concerns over crowd behaviour.

Last season, a match between Chelsea and Manchester United on Saturday was allowed to be held at 5.30 pm.

But that fixture only got the green light after the Red Devils reduced their ticket allocation from 3,000 to 1,500.

Moving games forward also impacts broadcasters’ chances of bringing in a global audience.

Another source is quoted as saying: “Broadcasters pay incredible sums on the understanding that it is ‘any game, any time’ outside the 3pm blackout.

“But this is clearly not the case.

“Any kick-off time must first be given the green light by security officials and that is never given.

“Should it be paid, it would appear to be nothing more than a sweetener – another example of the Premier League and its clubs trying to talk their way out of trouble.

“The police force is not a private service and you have to look at whether such a move would have any impact on policing communities.

“It’s about money.”

Police are said to be ‘deeply angry’ that they have to ‘foot the bill for services provided outside the stadium’s footprint’.

latest developments:


Police had long been worried about crowd trouble at football matches.


This includes issues like patrolling outside the field.

Talks are believed to be still ongoing amid growing chaos at football matches in England and Wales.

The Home Office released data last month which showed incarceration had increased by 60 per cent.

Arrests have increased by 59 per cent compared to four years ago, while invasions on the pitch have increased by 127 per cent.


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