My list of the most memorable wrestling matches from 2023

 – Gudstory

My list of the most memorable wrestling matches from 2023 – Gudstory

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Image for the article titled Behold: My List of the Most Memorable Wrestling Matches from 2023

picture: Getty Images

The best time of the year, when you can look back on all the wrestling you’ve watched and definitely not think that there’s a bunch of bad stuff in your life. It’s best to focus on trying to get back to the feeling you had when you were watching the live stream, because that’s the point.

Anyway, this is just a list of my 10 favorite games of the year. They’re not the ones I thought were the best or made some statement, just the ones I liked the best. So, yeah, I had to see them, which meant there would be a dearth of WWE matches because I don’t watch them. This is not right for me, it will never happen again, and they and I are happier that way. So, I don’t want to hear that. Anyway, I think this is mostly sequential. I suspect.


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