Lance Armstrong says he was tested more than 500 times as cycling cheater discusses methods he used to avoid detection

 – Gudstory

Lance Armstrong says he was tested more than 500 times as cycling cheater discusses methods he used to avoid detection – Gudstory

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Lance Armstrong has revealed he was tested 500 times and how he was able to avoid being detected as a drugs cheat.

For many years, the 52-year-old was considered one of the greatest athletes of his generation.

However, in 2012, it emerged that Armstrong had been doping frequently during his career.

The seven-time Tour de France winner was found to be using performance-enhancing drugs following a USADA investigation based on historical blood samples.

Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong reveals cheating in cycling and how he was able to avoid detection


At the time, USADA said that Armstrong had led ‘the most sophisticated, professional and successful doping program ever seen in sport’.

Initially, the veteran protested his innocence.

Yet he did not fight the charges and in January 2013 he finally admitted that he was involved in doping.

Now, years later, Armstrong has revealed that he was tested more than 500 times during his career.

And he revealed how he was able to avoid detection.

Speaking to the Club Random podcast with Bill Maher, he said: “In a way, you’ll be frustrating the system, but what I’ve always said – and I’m not trying to justify what I’ve said, is, Which I would like to repeat again – but one of the sentences was: ‘I have been tested 500 times and I have never failed a doping control.’

“It’s not a lie. It’s the truth.”

“There was no way to escape the controls. When I peed in the cup and they analyzed the urine in the cup, this happened.”

He added: “The reality and truth of all this is that some of these substances, especially the most beneficial, have a half-life of four hours.

“So some substances, whether it’s cannabis or anabolics, or whatever, they have very long half-lives.

“You can smoke that joint and go to work driving your tractor… and test positive in two weeks, because the half-life is too long.”

Armstrong admitted to blood doping, which involves using illegal products and methods to increase the body’s ability to carry oxygen to the muscles.

The use of erythropoietin in cycling gives competitors an edge over their competitors.

Explaining the effect of EPO, Armstrong said: “With EPO, which was the rocket fuel that changed not only our sport, but all endurance sports, you have a half-life of four hours, so it’s very effective in the body. Leaves early.

“I don’t want to encourage anyone to do something they don’t have to do.

Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong won seven Tour de France titles during his career


“The fact that you had a drug that was undetectable was extremely beneficial to performance and recovery.

“Both are important, but especially for performance… and, as we were led to believe, which I don’t disagree with, it was safe if taken under a doctor’s supervision.”

Meanwhile, at the beginning of the year, Armstrong attracted controversy for his views on trans athletes.

The former cyclist does not think biological men should be allowed to compete against biological women.

Addressing the controversy in July, Armstrong defended his stance.

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“Have we really arrived at a time and place where spirited debate is not only disliked, but feared?” They said.

“Where people’s biggest worry is getting fired, embarrassed or canceled?

“As someone who is very familiar with this phenomenon, I feel like I am uniquely equipped to have these conversations.

“Of all the controversial and polarizing topics today, I’m not sure there is any topic as heated as the topic of trans athletes in sports.

“Is there not a world in which one can support the transgender community and be curious about the fairness of trans athletes in sports, yet not be labeled a transphobe or a bigot when we ask the question? “Do we know the answer yet? And do we even want to know the answer?”


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