How does exercise improve mood?

 – Gudstory

How does exercise improve mood? – Gudstory

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We all know exercise is good for our physical health, but did you know it can also boost your mood and mental health? Whether you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, or just want to feel happier and more relaxed, exercise can help you achieve it. In this post, I’ll explain how exercise affects your brain and mood, and share some tips on how to make exercise a regular part of your life.

How exercise affects your brain and mood

Exercise has many benefits for your brain and mood, such as:

  • Releasing feel-good chemicals. When you exercise, your brain produces endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and endocannabinoids. These are natural substances that can make you feel happy, calm, and euphoric. They can also reduce pain and swelling in your body.
  • Reducing stress hormones. Exercise can reduce cortisol and adrenaline levels in your body. These are hormones that are released when you are stressed or in danger. They may make you feel anxious, nervous, or irritable. By reducing these hormones, exercise can help you deal with stress better and feel more relaxed.
  • Improves blood flow and oxygenation. Exercise can increase blood flow and oxygen to your brain. It can improve your cognitive functions, such as memory, attention and learning. It can also protect your brain from aging and diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Stimulating new brain cells. Exercise can stimulate the growth of new brain cells and connections in the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions, memory, and learning. This is one of the areas most affected by depression. By increasing the size and activity of the hippocampus, exercise can improve your mood and prevent or reverse depression.

How to make exercise a regular part of your life

Now that you know how exercise can improve your mood, you may be wondering how to start or maintain an exercise routine. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Find an activity you enjoy. The best exercise for you is one you enjoy and can stick to. It doesn’t have to be anything intense or complicated, and once you Learn how to stay motivated to exercise, It just becomes a healthy habit. These activities can be anything that gets you moving and increases your heart rate, such as walking, jogging, biking, dancing, swimming, yoga or gardening.
  2. Set realistic goals and track your progress. Having a clear goal and a way to measure it can motivate you to exercise more. If you are just starting out, you don’t need to join a gym and you can even get fit at home, For example, you might aim for walking 10,000 steps a day, doing yoga, or resistance training with dumbbells. you can use one fitness tracker Or an app for tracking your steps, distance, calories burned, heart rate, and other metrics.
  3. Schedule your workouts and prioritize them. Treat your exercise time as an important appointment that you cannot miss. Plan in advance when and where you will work out each week and put it on your calendar. Try exercising at the same time every day to form a habit.
  4. Find a friend or coach. Having someone to exercise with or report to can make you more accountable and make you less likely to skip a workout. You can ask a friend, family member, or coworker to go for a walk or join you in a class. or you can rent personal fitness coach Or sign up for an online fitness program that offers coaching and support.

Stay motivated and accountable for the future

One of the online fitness programs I recommend is Future, is an app that matches you with one of the best personal trainers in the country who tailors a workout for you based on your goals, fitness level, and equipment availability. You get unlimited workouts delivered straight to your phone and constant feedback from your coach via text or video call.

What I love about is that their coaches use a holistic approach to online personal fitness coaching with Future clients. They focus not only on the physical aspects of exercise but also the mental and emotional aspects. They help you overcome any obstacles or challenges that may prevent you from exercising regularly, such as lack of time, motivation, confidence or support.

Check out my full Future Fitness app review!

They help you develop a positive mindset and attitude toward exercise by celebrating your accomplishments, encouraging you to have fun, and reminding you of the benefits of exercise for your mood and health.

I’ve been using Future for the past two years and have seen amazing results, not only in my body but also in my mood. I feel happier, calmer, more energetic and more confident than ever before.

Future Black Friday/Cyber ​​Monday Offers!

If you’re interested in trying Future for yourself, they have a special offer for my readers: For a limited time, Your first month of Future is only $50, this is one bulk discount From their regular price of $150 per month.

I hope this post has inspired you to exercise more and improve your mood. Remember, exercise is not only good for your body but also for your mind and soul. So, go ahead and be happy!


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