BBC criticized by boxing star for spotty plan after he was forced to sit quietly next to opponent for two hours

 – Gudstory

BBC criticized by boxing star for spotty plan after he was forced to sit quietly next to opponent for two hours – Gudstory

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The BBC has been criticized after Terry Harper was forced to sit quietly next to his rival for two hours at Tuesday night’s Sports Personality of the Year Awards.

Harper and Natasha Jonas both sat next to each other at the ceremony in Salford, Manchester.

The pair are feuding but that hasn’t stopped the BBC from sitting them next to each other.

According to The Sun, the two were unable to put their feud aside and ‘wouldn’t even look each other in the eye.’

bbc terry harper

BBC has been criticized by Terry Harper for spotty awards sit-in plan


And Harper has now criticized the BBC’s decision to sit them next to each other, saying on

She also posted a video of herself looking at her opponent intently before turning the camera towards him.

Yet Jonas didn’t see the funny side and responded by saying: “You seem to have very little to say to me.”

The 39-year-old said: “We’re sitting in the audience for a live show, the respectful thing to do would be to enjoy the show and not be sarcastic, wouldn’t you think?”

This controversy continued on Wednesday also.

Harper responded to Jonas’s criticism, saying: “Your one-word response to my little conversation before the show made me realize you’re not ready to chat any time soon.”

And Jonas responded once again, saying: “I’m not two-faced if I’m honest.

“Maybe it’s a generational difference.”

The rift between the pair began in 2020 when they stepped into the ring to fight for the WBC title.

Harper retained his belt after a narrow split decision draw.

However, a rematch is currently on the cards, with Harper demanding a rematch at the beginning of the year.

“Let’s start the fight everyone wants to see.

“So I came up to light-middleweight.

“I think it’s every boxer’s dream to become undisputed.”

Meanwhile, while it was a testing evening for Harper and Jonas, it was a joyous occasion for the Mary Earps.

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natasha jones

The BBC has created a new controversy between Natasha Jones (pictured) and Terry Harper


The England and Manchester United goalkeeper beat Stuart Broad and Katrina Johnson-Thompson to win the SPOTY award.

And Earps said after his win: “Actually I’m feeling a little sick.

“I have to say how humbled I am to be among these incredible athletes.

“Sport is a fantastic thing that brings the world together and hearing your stories is incredible.

“Thank you everyone for voting for me, I feel very honored and humbled.

mary earps

BBC crowns Mary Earps as its SPOTY Award winner


“It’s the highest all-round sporting honour, we’ve had an amazing few years for the Lionesses and Manchester United. But this is wow.

“It hasn’t been the easiest journey and I wouldn’t be here without a group of incredible people in my corner, so thank you to them.

“I’m so glad I could bring some of my loved ones here today who have been with me through some really great times.

“The past two years have been incredible, I’ve done more than I ever thought I could, and I’m really incredibly grateful.”


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